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What is a Person Centred Plan?

Person Centred Planning Colourful stick figures supporting one anotheris a great way to share your hopes and dreams, find solutions to some of the challenges you face and gather the support from those around you to make things happen.

It is an approach to thinking about what you might want in your life. It is used to plan with you - not for you.

Focus on what you do best.

A person Centred Plan approach focuses on your strengths and skills, what support you have and where you might like to find further support to make your dreams happen.

What does a Person Centred Plan involve?

A Person Centred Plan takes place wherever you feel most comfortable and can take a couple of hours. It is best completed in one session which we understand can be overwhelming - you can take breaks if you need.

Your PCP session will be led by two faciltators. Usually it is best if you don't know them, so the focus remains entirely on you as you are.

Who will be involved?

Family and friends

It's important to have support from the people closest to you.

Others that support you

It is also a good idea to invite people who help and support you. This might be staff from a service you use or people from your local community, so they can offer you encouragement, idea and their commitment.

What does it look like?

Example of a Person Centred Plan

This is an example of a PATH plan. We use these most often to focus on your dream goal and how we get there.

What happens after?

You get to keep your own plan and you can do whatever you want with it! You can bin it, you can keep it, you can draw all over it if you want - it is your plan.

Some people will have signed their name on the plan, because they have a job to do to help you get to your dream. They will take pictures of the plan before you take it home, so they can remember what their job is.

We will meet together again in 3 months after your plan, to check in and see how things are going and to make sure everyone is doing their job.

I want a plan!

If you think you or someone you know could benefit from getting a Person Centred Plan done, please feel free to get in touch.

A connector will get back to you to find out a bit more about your situation and how we can help. Sometimes a Person Centred Plan is not the best option, but don't worry - we have lots of skills to help us figure out what is best for you!