Please be aware that Shetland Community Connections DO NOT employ the PA.
We (Shetland Community Connections) merely try to encourage opportunities for those with a Direct Payment package to find out about people who are available for work.
We forward your application onto the employer, it is then up to the employer if they decide to proceed with your application.
A Personal Assistant is employed by the family with a Direct Payment arrangement. They are the Employer and they are responsible for offering you a contract of employment.
Please note that Employers will have different approaches to recruiting people, Shetland Community Connections would recommend during the recruitment process that employers get 2 references, one being from your most recent employment/position, check the SSSC register and carry out a PVG before offering you employment. Shetland Community Connections can offer employers support with this if needed.
There is a PA Network Scotland who can give advice to people who sign up (sign up is free). They would be the people to ask if you are unsure about contracts or other employment issues as they can offer you independent advice. - this website offers a lot of advice and information. They also have a Facebook page:
There is also a closed Facebook group for Shetland PA Employers and PA's if you would like to join, here is the link: